Verify The News Website On Your Search Result Page To Enhance Your Reading Quality
By adding a badge to verified and unverified news site in your search feed, we aim to provide you with an additional layer of protection.

5 Tips On News Websites
Check the website's "About Us" section
A verified news website should have a clear and detailed description of its editorial policies, ownership, and staff. This information should be easy to find and transparent.
Look for well-known news organizations
That link to the website - If other reputable news organizations regularly link to the website, this can be a sign that the website is verified and reputable.
Check the website's sources and citations
A verified news website should cite sources and provide evidence to back up its reporting. Look for quotes from experts, links to research studies, and other forms of evidence.
Evaluate the tone and language of the reporting
A verified news website should present information in a factual and objective manner. Look for reporting that avoids sensationalism, hyperbole, or biased language.
Check for errors or corrections
A verified news website should be committed to accuracy and transparency. If you notice errors or corrections on the website, this can be a sign that the website takes its journalistic standards seriously.
Verified Websites

3 Steps To Master This Extension

Check the type-in news site
Check the authenticity and accuracy of news sources that appears in your address bar.

Check the news site on the search result page
Badges will be added to search results based on their status.
Frequently Asked Questions
News Guard provides you an additional layer of protection to verify the news site that appears in your browser address bar and search result feed.
Fake news not only waste our time, but also mislead our judgement. Sometimes, news from unreliable sources or websites might even cause us financial and data privacy losses. Consume news from reliable news websites and keep up with your safety while surfing is crucially important.
In order to provide the verification of news site from both the address bar and search result feed, we need to modify your search engine to our search domain powered by Yahoo. The key functionality of our extension only performs on the search provider with which we have a business connection with.
Of course. It's free of charge.
See the uninstallation instructions on the uninstall page.